Dear Friends,
Many people around you say, "I suffer from insomnia," and true, they seem very tired by their lack of sleep. Is this your personal case, perhaps? We all know that insomnia means that you normally do not sleep at night but do you know what type from insomnia you suffer?

Basically there are three types of insomnia:
1. Transient Insomnia: Insomnia is temporary that will last a night or two. This transient insomnia is caused by stress or temporary excitement. The disease causing anxiety, can also cause insomnia. It is also possible that the change in sleep schedule is the cause. So think jet lag.
2. The short-term insomnia: this form of insomnia can last up to three exhausting weeks. That's why your doctor will ask you how long you have trouble falling asleep and sleeping fully. The short-term insomnia is caused by such things as the death of a loved one, financial problems, job change or divorce. This insomnia should be treated as it can become a chronic problem. Therefore, the use of sleeping pills for a few days or relaxing herbal teas can help you find your sleep.
3. Chronic insomnia: Chronic insomnia is insomnia that lasts a month or more. This form of insomnia can occur every night or almost every night or just several nights each month. Usually, chronic insomnia is caused by a medical problem. The medical problem must be identified and treated by a doctor, and insomnia will probably disappear by itself.
Understand well that insomnia is a symptom. The transient insomnia or the short term will be corrected when the stressful situation will improve. While chronic insomnia will be corrected when the medical cause will be identified and properly treated. Do not confuse: insomnia is not a disease but a symptom. Also, it is always preferable to treat the cause rather than the symptom, although temporary use of sleeping pills is justified but should be used only temporarily.
There are natural ways to fight against insomnia, discover and find out full info about INSOMNIA ( Causes, Therapy, Chinese medecine, Hypnotic cures, Herbal Remedies, etc ) by visiting this web site:
Have a nice day,
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